Today was a day of mixed emotions. Charlotte started first grade today and Lily wasn’t with her friends starting fourth grade. Taking Charlotte to school was extremely tough, I’ve been anticipating this day for weeks. I kept it together for Charlotte; she was so excited to return to school, so excited to have Mrs. Levinson for her teacher and so excited to reunite with all her little friends. Once She joined her friends I was out of her sight and could let my real emotions flow (at least behind my sunglasses). It was nice to be back with the OLF family (that includes the faculty, you are all family to us) and it was nice to see all the kids after a long summer. Morning lineup was special as it is everyday, this time it included a special prayer request for sweet Lily. I hope the daily prayer requests continue as it reminds everyone how hard Lily is working to get back where she truly wants to be–at school with all of her friends. Thank you OLF families for keeping Lily close in your heart and for all of your continuous thoughts and prayers. It was moving to see all of you this morning and to speak with you and to see how much you care for Lily. And thank you to everyone who has requested your families and friends to pray for Lily . . . It is touching beyond words. Before her event she touched so many lives and we love hearing about these little things Lily she did that made a difference to you. Thank you for sharing these stories as well.
As for Lily’s day she had a good one for the most part. It started off a bit rough with discomfort from antibiotics; we found out she has a UTI. She was a bit sleepy through her first therapy this am because she was up for a while in the early morning hours. But OT and PT were better. She continues to do better with tracking people and objects. And she is holding her head up for longer periods, too. She is getting stronger; she wasn’t doing this 2 weeks ago.
Thank you everyone . . . You are all angels on Team Lily.
God Bless,
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